Price with confidence

It’s easy to feel uncertain about charging what you’re worth, especially if you’re just starting out or still growing your business. But here’s the truth: pricing isn’t just about numbers, it’s about confidence.

Trust me, I’ve been there. It took me three whole years of charging the same rate before a client finally said, “I can’t believe we’re only paying $X!” That was a wake-up call, and I never made that mistake again.

I know how daunting it can feel, but when you start pricing your services based on your value, everything changes. Here’s how you can confidently set your rates and show clients why you’re worth it:

1. Know Your Worth

Take a step back and reflect on your experience, skills, and the value you bring to the table. Clients aren’t just paying for your time, they’re paying for the results you deliver. When you truly internalize the value of your work, setting higher rates will start to feel natural, even empowering. You’re not just trading hours for dollars, you’re offering expertise, solutions, and impact.

2. Be Transparent

Clients need to understand exactly what they’re paying for. Break down your pricing into packages or specific services so it’s clear where their money is going.

This not only builds trust, but it also shows that you’re a professional with a structured approach. Transparency helps clients see the real value in what you’re offering—whether it’s saving them time, solving a problem, or improving their business.

3. Regularly Raise Your Rates

As you gain more experience and expand your skill set, don’t hesitate to raise your rates.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your prices ensures that your income reflects the growing value you bring to the table. Plus, it helps you keep pace with inflation.

Remember, raising your rates isn’t about pushing clients away, it’s about ensuring you’re compensated fairly for your expertise and continued growth.

Pro tip: Good clients expect you to raise rates.

Final Thoughts

The right clients will recognize and pay for the value you provide.

When you price with confidence, you naturally attract clients who respect and appreciate your work. Don’t be afraid to own your worth—both you and your business deserve it.

Cheers to your continued success.



Don’t trade a bad boss for bad clients